Online Paraphrasing Tool

Use our free grammar & spell checker + text rewriter to improve your content for higher efficiency.

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Linguix Paraphraser is a tool that helps you rewrite and enhance any sentence.

Regardless of who you are or what you do, Linguix has writing and research tools to support you.

Our paraphraser has been used by authors, students, researchers, journalists, attorneys, and everyone in between. Linguix is ready to help you boost your skills, because writing with confidence will change the way you interact with the world. Linguix is a top-rated paraphraser, give it a try today!

  • Rewrite and enhance any sentence Use Linguix to express yourself better.

  • Enhance your vocabulary Sign up to get access to advanced synonym suggestions.

Linguix Paraphraser

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Install our browser extension to improve your emails, work documents, and research papers. Use Linguix within Gmail, Google Docs, Salesforce, HubSpot, and millions of other websites. Click below to get an AI-based grammar checking, rewriting, and shortcuts everywhere you may need it.

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